Auto Glass Repair Shop In Surprise AZ
Posted on: 22 May 2013
While I was driving back home after a week long vacation in Utah, I had an unfortunate accident happen. A semi truck who was driving on interstate 15 in front of me kicked up a bunch of rocks and debris which put a few small chips and cracks in my wind shield. Obviously this was a very irritating and unfortunate thing that have happen, but hey, it happens to all of us and there isn't much you can do. But one I got back home to Arizona I wanted to have my windshield repaired; I sought out a Surprise AZ auto glass repair shop to have them repair the windshield if they could, or replace it if necessary. When I brought my vehicle in to the Surprise AZ auto glass repair shop, they informed me that it would be best to just replace the windshield, because they could not guarantee that the repairs that they made would last. But since they said they couldn't guarantee the repairs they informed me that they would give me a discount of 10% off on the windshield replacement. This was quality news to hear, since it saved me a little bit of money on the replacement. Share