Exploring The Many Uses Of Clad Metal In The Aerospace Industry

Posted on: 19 October 2023

The aerospace industry has always been at the forefront of technological innovation. It demands materials that are strong, durable, and lightweight. One such material that is highly sought after in the industry is clad metal. Composed of two or more metals that are bonded together, clad metal has unique properties that make it ideal for various aerospace applications. This post will delve into the world of clad metal and explore its many uses in the aerospace industry.

Corrosion Resistance

In the aerospace industry, corrosion resistance is crucial for the longevity and reliability of aircraft. Exposure to moisture, chemicals, and other harsh environmental conditions can compromise the integrity of the materials used in aircraft components. Clad metal, however, is highly resistant to corrosion. Its composite structure makes it less susceptible to oxidation and rust. This property makes it an excellent choice for aerospace applications, particularly in components such as fuel tanks, hydraulic systems, and heat exchangers.

Strength and Durability

The aerospace industry demands materials that are strong and durable and can withstand extreme stress and pressure. Clad metal possesses excellent strength and durability, making it perfect for applications such as wing skins, fuselage panels, and structural components. Its composite structure allows for a combination of materials with different properties, enhancing its strength and durability. Clad metal is also resistant to fatigue, which reduces the risk of cracks and failure, making it ideal for critical components such as landing gears.

Electrical Conductivity

The aerospace industry requires materials that are excellent electrical conductors. Clad metal is made up of multiple layers of metals, each with different electrical conductivity properties, making it ideal for electrical applications. Clad copper is commonly used in power distribution systems, while clad aluminum finds use in lightning strike protection. Clad metal's unique electrical properties also make it an excellent choice for building electromagnetic shielding.

Weight Reduction

In the aerospace industry, reducing weight is essential for improving fuel efficiency and increasing range capabilities. Clad metal is an excellent solution for weight reduction due to its lightweight yet sturdy construction. Its composite structure allows for the use of lighter metals, such as aluminum, without sacrificing strength or durability. Clad metal is also ideal for replacing heavier components with thinner and lighter materials, which can have a significant impact on reducing overall weight.

Clad metal is a versatile material that has found widespread use in the aerospace industry. Contact a manufacturer to learn more about clad metal. 
