3 Tips For Handling Hazardous Waste In Your Factory

Posted on: 30 August 2017

Depending on the industry that your factory is involved in, you might find yourself dealing with hazardous waste. If this is the case, then you could be concerned about being able to handle it safely and responsibly. Dealing with hazardous waste can be a big responsibility for any company, but if you follow these tips, you can help ensure that you handle it the right way: 1. Make Sure Your Employees are Properly Trained
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Four Purposes For Structural Steel

Posted on: 26 July 2017

Structural steel is, of course, steel used for construction of buildings. However, most people do not realize that it has more than just one purpose. It has more uses than just building skyscrapers. Here is just a sample of what structural steel is meant to do. Reinforce Foundations in Earthquake Zones Earthquakes can take down skyscrapers faster than a toddler in the midst of a temper tantrum. For that reason, buildings in earthquake zones are required to be built a certain way, including the use of structural steel in their foundations to keep the buildings stiffly erect during some of the worst earthquakes imaginable.
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Experience Future Savings With The Installation Of A New Office Heating System

Posted on: 11 May 2017

Having access to a heating system that works properly is essential when it comes to keeping your customers and employees comfortable. While you might view a new heating system as a burdensome expense, these systems can actually serve as a valuable tool to help you save money over time. Here are three simple things you can do as you install a new heating system in your commercial space to ensure you experience cost savings in the future.
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How to Make Your Own Dirt Sifter

Posted on: 26 April 2017

If you enjoy collecting stones or even searching through topsoil for treasures that were left behind, then having a dirt sifter certainly comes in handy. However, these apparatuses can be quite expensive if you look for them in stores. An alternative is to make your own dirt sifter from wire mesh, some wood, and a few screws. Follow these steps, and you'll have a dirt strainer made in an hour or two.
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